Scratch – Writers and Money – Bite-Sized Reviews #1
The end of the year always make me reflect on my writing, including the “business end” of the process. I wanted to share a brief summary of suggestions that come from the book by Manjula Martin, author of a series of interviews […]
ThinkingFunny 23 – 4/1/23
Save the date! We’re presently working on our talent lineup, and would love to hear suggestions from you. Here’s a link to our suggestion-survey. You can register by clicking here.
Planning for ThinkingFunny23
Well, it’s time to ramp up for the next ThinkingFunny humor conference. This will be our third, and frankly I’m looking to change things up a bit. We’ve worked to keep this high-quality and still affordable. But It also has been a […]
Setting Up Humor-Writing Peer & Support Groups
Writing coach Cathy Yardley says that while writers typically write alone, no one succeeds that way. That’s why we’re working to foster a supportive, humor-writing community with our conference, masterclasses, and follow-up social events. Even if you’re not able to attend any […]
Funny Women of a Certain Age Tour – Leighann Lord Rides Again!
Here’s a link to one of our favorite stand-up comedians and a supporter of Funny Women of a Certain Age Spring Tour offers you the chance to spend time with a phenomenal talent and have a blast. And you can enjoy […]
Running the Widget Factory This morning Iām looking at the interview of Susan Orlean by Manjula Martin. In their conversation, Orlean talks about her entrepreneurial bent and how this shaped her writing career. Orlean thinks her views grew out of her upbringing […]