John Vorhaus #sitcom #scriptwriting #creativity #comictoolbox #tf23
John Vorhaus has taught and trained comedy writers all over the world, and is the only human in history to have worked on the American, Russian and Bulgarian versions of Married… with Children. His Comic Toolbox and little book of SITCOM are considered bibles of the craft, and […]

Dave Fox – #Travel #Writing With #Humor #TF23
Dave Fox is a bestselling travel and humor author who has been exploring the world since age seven and writing stories about the chaos he tumbles into. He will be leading a workshop to share his writing tips and techniques on April 1, […]

#Humor #Contest #Finalists Announced for #TF23
The finalists for this year’s event are noted below. Join us for the after-party, April 1, 2023 at 6:30 pm on Zoom when the winners are announced! Playwriting Competiton William Brasse – Making The Cut Nicky Denovan – Mr. Bright Side Eric […]

Our #TF23 #Contest #Judges
ThinkingFunny23 wants to recognize the judges who volunteered their time to select our winning humor-contest entries. Jim Dowling Jim Dowling has a varied background in radio production and broadcasting, teaching, and writing. Currently he co-produces Scratched-Up Radio theater at at KKRN 88.5 […]

Doni Chamberlain – #TF23 #Columnist Panel
Doni Chamberlain is the founder, reporter, columnist and the publisher of aNewsCafe.com. For 15 years this publication has served Shasta County and Northen California with thoughtful, well-written, and daring coverage that informs, entertains, and holds the powers-that-be accountable. Click here to register […]
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#humor #tf23 #VirtualErma agent agents animation art design banana slug string band bipolar bipolar support bombeck brian wetzel broadmay broadway musical characters chico clutter coach coaching code column columnist column writing comedy comics conference conferences contest coupon creativity crowdcast dayton discord discount disney erma erma bombeck erma bombeck writing workshop fiction funny ghosts giving tuesday graphic novels humor humor writing john rameriz judy carter leighann lord literary agent little sister masterclass master of ceremonies memoirs mental health museum music musical mystery nami nickies prize nonfiction oildale panel discussion patreon performing pitch pitching presenters public speaking registration retreats road trips roller skates schedule signups sisters sitcom sitcoms songwriting stand-up standup storyboarding stuff tall tales TF23 thinkingfunny21 thinkingfunny22 thinkingfunny23 travel travel writing urban erma vietnam vorhaus wetzel wind chimes wine workshop writing writing technique writing tips
If you missed our conference, you can still see the presentations and discussions on YouTube. If you’ve paid for the coneference, then the access will be free. Otherwise, you may contact us for the links and pricing information. Paid attendees should have […]