Standup Comedy Coach Judy Carter Signs On For ThinkingFunny21
Judy Carter, author of Stand-up Comedy, The Book, will be on hand to help attendees sharpen their stand-up chops during our April 3rd, 2021 virtual conference. Click here to register for the event. Carter is a knowledgeable, dynamic, and fun teacher with […]

Robb Lightfoot – The Guy Behind ThinkingFunny.com
Robb Lightfoot is the founder and director of ThinkingFunny.com. He’s a humorist, author, and public speaker. But more than anything else, he’s a teacher who loves to laugh and help people overcome their fears about getting on stage and speaking their personal […]

Thanks to Hudson Valley Writers’ Guild for Their Support!
A shout-out to the HVWG.org for their support of ThinkingFunny21. You can see our event promoted on their site. Many thanks. Please check out their publications and newsletter by clicking here. And check out the HVWG’s member profiles and available books by […]
Lake Superior Writers Contest
We’re happy to support the organizations that have supported us! Check out this writing contest. Writing Contest – 2021 “Lockdown” Lake Superior Writers is accepting entries in multiple genres for our annual writing contest in the following categories: Poetry – up to 3 […]
Lightfoot’s Thesis Committee
The ThinkingFunny.com Humor & Comedy-Writing conference would not be possible without the education, events-training, and research support I have received through the graduate program in Recreation Administration at the California State University, Chico. I want to give special recognition to the three […]
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Have you ever wanted to create your very own ensemble comedy “world” from scratch? If so, you won’t want to miss John Vorhaus’s session at ThinkingFunny21. Vorhaus is an experienced sitcom writer and the author of many books, including the Little Book […]