Associate Links

Graphic image of Amazon's banner for associate member's using file links.

In some cases, the links to products are associate links, which means that if you end up buying the product, I will get a teeny-tiny commission. This usually won’t buy me a cup of coffee, but, hey, it’s still something.

I’m disclosing this, and also letting you know that I won’t put up links to products that I think suck.

Of course, for big-ticket items, like a Ferrari, I might actually get enough to buy a meal at McDonalds. That would be nice, other than the eating at McDonald’s.

Just saying.

And even if I like something, you should look at the reviews on the various websites I point you towards to make up your own mind. As they say, “Your Milage May Vary,” especially if you drive your Ferrari slowly, which I wouldn’t.

But that’s just me.

Also, below is some specific legal disclosures required by the programs I have chosen to use. Right now, it’s just Amazon. But if I find other vendors that have programs, and they have good products, treat the consumers (you-all, and me, too) well, then I may opt into those, too.

And please feel free to let me know if you have a bad experience with a product or vendor that I’ve praised. I’ll provide your feedback here, too, and if they really do a number on you, I’ll pull the link pronto. Take care, and don’t buy anything you don’t need or can’t afford.

I’ll try to take my own advice on that one. 

Here’s a link to the actual disclosure requirements for Amazon and the Fair Trade Commission-FTC. I’m including it because these may change and I want to provide you with the most accurate information.

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