Hillary Ring – Funny Times Alumus
It’s time to drop in on one of the many talented writers who have appeared in the Funny Times national humor publication. The monthly publication has been bringing humor to a weary planet since 1985, and is bigger and better than every. You should check it out and subscribe. And we’re not getting paid or having an affiliate link to say that!
But back to our featured humorist….
Hillary Ring is a writer from Tallahassee, Florida. Her work is featured regularly in the national humor publication, The Funny Times. She is the author and creator of the blog Happiness and Its Constituents, which she founded in 2012. When she is not writing humor, she spends her days teaching college English and working on freelance writing and editing projects. Hillary often writes satire about important and divisive issues, but mostly she writes about her favorite and most controversial topic, herself.
You can visit her website by clicking here. https://happinessanditsconstituents.wordpress.com/